Day 89 – Nelson lakes day three – West Sabine to Blue Lake Hut – 1/21

I woke up at 6:30, originally Katie, Gerben and Sanna said they wanted to leave at 7 so I started rushing until I noticed nobody else was up and packing. I packed up and they were still getting ready so I just took off by myself.

There was a ton of damage from a flood this past December. Normally they say the trail is three hours but DOC was saying it’s now closer to 6, however people we talked to said it’s more like an extra hour.

Aside from the washed out parts the trail was rather nice.

The trail follows the river all the way to blue lake, which I got to around noon, taking 3.5 hours (usually I’m much faster than the standard time). I had lunch and checked out the lake. The rest of the group showed up around 1 and after lunch decided to continue on and camp by Lake Constance, I decided to stay at the hut instead, the last two days were rather large and the lake is really amazingly beautiful.

Later Pete, Katie, Yuji, Sam, Holger, Steady Eddie, Tristan and Veronique all showed up at the hut.

2 thoughts on “Day 89 – Nelson lakes day three – West Sabine to Blue Lake Hut – 1/21

  • You take beautiful photos. I enjoyed chatting to you at Blue Lake hut, and admire you for quitting your job and coming so far to walk the length of our country. Good luck with the rest of your travels – the last 1000km!

    Moa Hunter

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