About Me

Hi! I’m Pete, I’m a software engineer originally from Wisconsin, who moved to NY for college and have been living in Boston for the past decade. I spend my free time hiking, backpacking, surfing, playing guitar, taking pictures and both alpine and Nordic backcountry skiing and just generally trying to be outdoors and living life to the fullest as much as possible. Most of my hiking experience has been in New England, and most of that largely in New Hampshire, where up until going to New Zealand I was working on red lining (hiking all of the trails in the AMC White Mountain guide book) and generally trying to explore as many new trails and places as possible, with a couple trips to more exotic destinations thrown in whenever I could.

I always wanted to do a thru hike, when I was close to graduating from college I remember thinking that I was either going to hike the Appalachian trail or study abroad in Germany. I went to Germany and I have no regrets about that decision, but I always wondered what it would have been like to do the hike.

When I discovered that New Zealand has a thru hike of it’s own (which didn’t even exist when I graduated college) I couldn’t resist making that my first thru hike!