Day 77, 78, 79 – Zero days in Nelson

I woke up from a glorious sleep, but still felt very tired. I know well enough to listen to my body when it’s asking for rest. I don’t know if I’ve been doing too much (I didn’t think so), or maybe I’m fighting something, or maybe I just haven’t been sleeping as well as I think I have been. No matter what it is it’s time for a break day!

That’ll give me time to do laundry, grocery shopping, pick up some odds and ends that I want and look at the details for the next couple sections of trail.

The next area is the Richmond range, which is supposed to be the toughest section of the TA, so there’s no way I’m going into that if I’m feeling off.

Day 78

Still feeling very tired but better, I heard from Holger, he’s skipping the QCT (he’ll hit it on his way back) and going to join me in Nelson, but he still needs to send resupply boxes so we won’t be able to leave until Monday. In the meantime we get to hang out and eat and drink!