Day 124 – Fern Burn hut to Roses Hut – 2/26 – All the saddles!

The great thing about saddles is they offer spectacular views, the bad thing about saddles is there’s always a lot of climbing involved.

From the Fern Burn hut (741 m) we hiked up Jack Hall’s saddle (1275 m), then down and up and down again to the Highland Creek Hut (848 m), and that is just over 6 km.

Jayden at Jack Hall’s saddle
Me at the same spot

I ate lunch at Highland Creek Hut, we were all kind of hiking our own pace, I was behind Jayden for a bit, but he left after lunch and I hung around with Holger for a bit before starting off, then leap frogging with Sam and Laura 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 most of the day.

Highland Creek hut

From Highland creek hut the trail goes up an unnamed pass at around 1200 m, then back down to a beech glade at 792 m, then back up again to a pass on the side of Knuckle peak (again around 1200 m) and then descending again to Roses hut (724 m) over just 10 km, for a total of just 16 km for the day. Which looks like a short day, but it was not!

There were 11 of us at the hut, Jayden introduced us to a card game called mafia (basically the same as werwolf). Holger took a nap at the middle hit so he didn’t get in until about 7:30.

View from Roses hut