Day 4 – 10/28

Woke up with super sore swollen feet. I found out that the next campground is closed for renovations, so it would be 31 kilometers to the next site after that. I knew I couldn’t do 31, but was talked into catching a lift down the beach where the closed campsite was and then walking from the by the promise of WiFi, food and hot showers. Technically maybe it’s cheating, but I never claimed to be a purist.

The last stretch of ninety mile beach with other TA hikers

After 14 km we made it to Ahipara, where we do indeed have all that we were promised. Tomorrow we are going to plan the next sections and get supplies and heal. If I’m feeling good I’ll probably rent a surfboard and catch some waves, it’s been kind of wonderful torture to hike this long beautiful beach and not be able to get in!

3 thoughts on “Day 4 – 10/28

  • Hope the feet heal fast! Don’t know when you lost your crown in California, but I did the same on Oct. 17 when I was picking up Cindy at ORD on her way home from Tanzania. Had to have the molar removed. Brutal. Still have jaw bruises a week later. Keep on truckin’. Dad

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