Day 128 – Queenstown to Greenstone hut – 3/1

I took the shuttle from Queenstown to the greenstone track trailhead at 12:30, which got to the trailhead at 2:00. Holger and Jayden opted for hitching.

The trail was only 10k to the greenstone hut, some uphill but not too much and since the greenstone is popular it’s VERY easy! The trail is wide and well marked with very few obstacles. I took my time hiking the trail and took a break at a river along the way.

Matagouri. yes, they are as fun as they look to walk through
Nice wide trail
A fan tail, they are curious but they move quick so it’s tricky to get a good picture

I got to the hut around 5. Holger and Jayden didn’t make it but Michael did and he said he was hitching with Jayden, so I’m guessing Jayden isn’t far behind. Not sure about Holger though.

The greenstone hut was a busy one! There were a lot of people there, luckily it is a 20 person hut, so there’s plenty of room.