Day 23 – Rainbow lake damn

Today was a rather long day, we planned 22.5 miles to rainbow lake damn, which puts us 13.5 miles from Abol bridge and the end of the Hundred Mile Wilderness.

I make the first two miles up to the lean to where beast camped rathe quickly, so I was there around 7:30, luckily Beast was just emerging from her tent, so we talked a little while she ate breakfast and then I got going again. That lean to had a spring which had amazing water. I filled both of my bottles even though there were other water sources near, it was so cold and clean!

I hiked down to the next lake, there was a small view, I assumed there would be a better one but it never happened.

The mosquitoes weren’t as bad as the day before but still very bad.

The AT followed near the lake for a while, then along a River that I assume was flowing into the lake.

Apparently I took no pictures of the river, but saw some cool mushrooms along the way.

The river section was nice, mostly flat, fewer mosquitoes and lots of views of the river. I saw a bald eagle flying along the river probably looking for fish. I also saw a blue heron standing on a small island in the river.

Eventually that lead to lake Nahmakanta, there was a campsite there and I grabbed lunch. The trail followed the lake a little and lead to a sandy beach where I took a swim before heading up the mountain of the same name. The climb wasn’t bad, but even after cooling off in the lake I was very quickly drenched in sweat. At the top there was a nice view of the lake and cell signal. I sent a couple messages and then a lady up there told me there was a better view on the way down and it also had signal. It was not better and did not have signal.

For the last 8 miles the trail followed a series of streams and ponds, knowing I had more than enough time to make it to camp, I slowed down a bit and took more breaks. I found a nice spot in a stream with a large swimming hole for another drip, I stopped and took more pictures.

I arrived in camp just in town for dinner (6:30ish), there were some friendly people there who I talked to a little. The campsite here has a view of Katahdin, but sadly it was in a cloud. Beast arrived probably 30 minutes after I did, her feet were sore from her new shoes, I can’t imagine that’s going to go well hiking up Katahdin.

Katahdin is in that cloud above the small group of trees in the middle

I’ve decided to skip Katahdin, partly because Baxter park has a whole messy system around letting hikers in, so it would either be a matter of trying to get a limited spot at the last site, or do a very long day up and down the mountain. I’ve also climbed it before and every day I add is probably going to cost me money if my car has been towed. I’m a little sad a out missing it, but I’m glad I got to hike the Hundred mile wilderness. Just 13.5 Miles to go, then I need to figure out how to get back to Portsmouth, NH.