Day 2 – 10/26

Day 2: I woke up at 4:30, peeked outside and the stars were fantastic! No good pictures from camp unfortunately, but nice to see them.

So I packed up camp and set out. The trail from midnight camp climbs up gently over a couple kilometers, then descends rapidly down some stairs to ninety mile beach.

High tide was at 8 and I got there some time around 9. Some of the waves were still coming up to the dunes, so I took my shoes off and just walked barefoot on the beach for the next 20 kilometers!

Beach walking time lapse

It was amazing! A huge stretch of endless beach with blue green water, some light clouds in the sky, and most of the day the only other period I could see was another hiker that left after me and the occasional 4×4 driving down the beach. It was 28 kilometers in total and when I got to camp my feet were definitely sore, but I felt like I just had an endless day at the beach!