Day 109 – Goin’ with the Flo – Geraldine to the Crooked Spur hut – 2/11

Flo, Pierre and I got a shuttle to the trailhead with Lizabeth🇧🇪, Carolann 🇩🇪, Roe 🇳🇿 and Demelza 🇳🇿. The trail started following the river bed with a lot of crossings, but not difficult ones.

Dancing to the music in his head

At one point the trail goes up over a large hill then back down to a river, but we opted to follow the river and deal with the crossings instead of going up the hill in the heat.

We found a nice swimming hole and stopped for a couple dips and a wonderful long break. The hut was less than 2k away, but a lot of uphill.

Don’t mess with the Frenchman
Lizabeth doing yoga after a swim
Flo falling down
Flo hiking up to the hut

At the hut we were joined by Hunter 🇳🇿 and three NOBOs from New Zealand, one of which was in his 70’s!

Om nom nom
Pierre playing with the firewood tools in the hut *backs away slowly*
Carolann, Lizabeth, Roe, Flo, Demelza, Pierre, and Hunter
Pierre’s eyes were distracting Demelza, so he covered them